Objective: Launch Our Large-Scale New Growth Strategy

Founded in 2017, TYREX (formerly KUB CLEANER), the French leader in USB decontamination solutions, is changing its name to launch its new growth strategy. This strategy aims to extend its market share in France and, more importantly, to expand internationally, especially in the United States, a strategic market for the company.

To address constantly evolving threats, TYREX has developed solutions tailored to both known and emerging risks. Its four ergonomically designed decontamination stations can be adapted to all uses, all IT or IoT architectures, and all regulations to provide optimum, comprehensive protection against USB cyber threats.

Christophe BOUREL, CEO of TYREX, shared, “After 8 years of research, innovation, and improvement, it was high time to mark a new milestone! And what better way to symbolise this renewal than with a change of identity. To better embody the values of our company, KUB has become TYREX.”

Teams Still in Place and New Ambitions

At the organisational and operational level, the shareholders, founders, and employees retain their positions and prerogatives. This change does not represent a withdrawal of the teams but, on the contrary, heralds a new stage in the development strategy of the company. This year, the company has seen further growth in turnover of over 15% thanks to numerous orders from leading companies in sectors such as industry and defence.

In light of these developments, TYREX will shortly be presenting its roadmap and announcing new locations and the recruitment of new talent. These steps will enable it to become the long-term leader in the decontamination of USB flash drives and removable media in France and internationally.


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